As chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, Xi said a strong military is needed for the great renewal of the Chinese nation. He has demonstrated his strategic thinking on how to consolidate national defense and build strong armed forces. For the past four months, Xi has inspected the army, navy, air force, second artillery corps and armed police, boarding warships and combat vehicles. During an inspection tour to the Guangzhou Military Theater of Operations in December, Xi emphasized that soldiers must be loyal to the CPC and abide by the law. "The armed forces need to be ready to assemble at the first call of the CPC and be capable of fighting and winning any battle," Xi said while inspecting the Lanzhou Military Area. While vowing to never allow the country's national sovereignty, security and development interests to be infringed upon, Xi reiterated that China will always remain a staunch force in upholding world peace, as the nation suffered from wars in the past. "We will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion," he said
作為中共中央軍委主席,習近平高度重視軍隊和國防建設?!拔覀円獙崿F(xiàn)中華民族偉大復興,必須堅持富國和強軍相統(tǒng)一。”對如何建設鞏固國防和強大軍隊,習近平有著清晰的戰(zhàn)略思路。去年12月初在廣州戰(zhàn)區(qū)考察時,他要求廣大官兵牢記:“堅決聽黨指揮是強軍之魂,能打仗、打勝仗是強軍之要,依法治軍、從嚴治軍是強軍之基?!痹谔m州軍區(qū)視察時,他強調(diào),要確保部隊“召之即來、來之能戰(zhàn)、戰(zhàn)之必勝”。 擔任中共中央軍委主席以來,習近平相繼視察了陸軍、海軍、空軍、二炮和武警部隊。在破浪航行的戰(zhàn)艦上,在炮聲隆隆的演兵場,在整潔的連隊宿舍樓里,習近平登甲板、進艙室,上戰(zhàn)車、到班排,察看裝備設施,觀摩實戰(zhàn)演練,詳細了解基層官兵學習、訓練、生活情況,認真聽取基層建設的意見和建議。 在廣泛調(diào)研、深入思考、充分論證的基礎上,習近平在十二屆全國人大一次會議解放軍代表團全體會議上鮮明提出,建設一支聽黨指揮、能打勝仗、作風優(yōu)良的人民軍隊是黨在新形勢下的強軍目標,為新的歷史條件下推進國防和軍隊建設指明了方向,提供了根本遵循。 中國對和平有著孜孜不倦的追求,中國加強國防建設的目的是維護國家主權、安全、領土完整,保障國家和平發(fā)展。習近平強調(diào),中國始終是維護世界和平的堅定力量,將信守“永遠不稱霸,永遠不搞擴張”的莊嚴承諾。