歲末年初的賀歲檔往往是各大電影制作方爭搶的黃金時段。為了在賀歲檔到來之前占得先機,預告片、海報等宣傳手段就成了片方的法寶。要知道很多觀眾就是被美輪美奐的預告片吸引,才去影院觀影的??墒菍嶋H觀影的效果真的有那么好嗎?那就不一定了。要不怎么會出現(xiàn)trailer fraud這個詞呢。
When a trailer misrepresents the movie it advertises, when you view the actual movie, you see the trailer has nothing to do with the narrative, characters or plot. You are a victim of trailer fraud.
When a trailer to a movie shows something different than the movie is actually about, or when a trailer just shows the best parts of the movie, and when you see it, it’s a let down. Then this is called trailer fraud.
追星綜合癥 celebrity worship syndrome
各類節(jié)目中的“噱頭” watercooler moment
(中國日報網(wǎng)英語點津 Helen 編輯)