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Profile: Xi Jinping: Pursuing dream for 1.3 billion Chinese
FAITH IN CHINA Two weeks after his November election, Xi showed his confidence in leading the country while visiting the National Museum of China along with other members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. "We will surely complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects when the CPC celebrates its centenary, and turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious when the PRC marks its centennial," Xi said. "I firmly believe that the great dream of the renewal of the Chinese nation will come true," Xi said in front of an exhibition depicting the country's struggles over the past 170 years. Rising from a CPC branch secretary in a village brigade, Xi fostered his experience in performing duties, dealing with domestic issues and handling foreign and defense affairs while serving higher positions. An enterprising man, Xi knows how global and national conditions have changed and which challenges are facing the nation. His confidence in coming up with the idea of the "Chinese dream," as well as his determination, is impressive. "Our system will be improved and the superiority of our socialist system will be fully demonstrated through a brighter future," Xi said. "We should have firm confidence in our path, in our theories and in our system." "The selection of path is a life-or-death issue for the future of the CPC," he told the new leadership. "We should unswervingly uphold socialism with Chinese characteristics." He called for the new leadership to enhance their study and practice of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, accelerate the construction of a moderately prosperous society, improve the people's livelihoods, strengthen Party-building and deepen reform and opening up. Emphasizing the importance of the rule of law in building a moderately prosperous society, Xi called on CPC members to take the lead to ensure the implementation of the Constitution and act in accordance with the law. "The people should be able to enjoy justice and fairness in every legal case," Xi said. "To forge iron, one's own self must be strong," Xi said. "Our job is to work with all CPC members to supervise our own conduct through strict disciplines and effectively solve major problems within the Party." Extravagance risks the collapse of a political party, Xi said, warning that corruption has become a life-or-death challenge facing the CPC and the nation. After becoming the general secretary, Xi promised to crack down on corruption, "restrict power by the cage of regulations" and make cadres be respectful of law and refrain from wrongdoing. He also vowed to go after both "flies" and "tigers," which imply corrupt low-level functionaries and big powers respectively. A number of suspected corrupt officials have been investigated or prosecuted over the past four months.
自信——“中華民族偉大復興的夢想一定能實現(xiàn)” “我堅信,到中國共產(chǎn)黨成立100年時全面建成小康社會的目標一定能實現(xiàn),到新中國成立100年時建成富強民主文明和諧的社會主義現(xiàn)代化國家的目標一定能實現(xiàn),中華民族偉大復興的夢想一定能實現(xiàn)?!?/p> 2012年11月29日,中國國家博物館迎來一批特殊的參觀者——當選中共中央總書記僅15天的習近平和他的中共中央政治局常委同事們。以表現(xiàn)中國近代以來奮斗歷程的展覽為背景,習近平向13億中國人民勾畫了中華民族偉大復興的中國夢。 從治黨治國治軍到內(nèi)政外交國防——這位從中共組織體系中“細胞”一級的大隊黨支部書記起步,在不同地區(qū)和多個崗位經(jīng)受歷練的領(lǐng)導人,既繼往開來又開拓進取。他對世情、國情、黨情的準確把握,對機遇挑戰(zhàn)的清醒認識和帶領(lǐng)人民實現(xiàn)中國夢的高度自信,給外界留下深刻印象。 中國共產(chǎn)黨是帶領(lǐng)中國人民實現(xiàn)中國夢的領(lǐng)導核心,中國特色社會主義是實現(xiàn)中華民族偉大復興的必由之路。在帶領(lǐng)中國走什么樣的路這個問題上,習近平展示了他的堅定自信——“我們的制度必將越來越成熟,我國社會主義制度的優(yōu)越性必將進一步顯現(xiàn),我們的道路必將越走越寬廣。我們就是要有這樣的道路自信、理論自信、制度自信。” 習近平在新進中共中央委員會的委員、候補委員學習貫徹中共十八大精神研討班開班式上指出,“道路問題是關(guān)系黨的事業(yè)興衰成敗第一位的問題,道路就是黨的生命?!彼麖娬{(diào),要“毫不動搖堅持和發(fā)展中國特色社會主義?!?/p> 在中共十八屆一中全會上,習近平指出,當前和今后一個時期,新一屆中央領(lǐng)導集體的首要政治任務(wù),就是全面貫徹落實中共十八大精神,為實現(xiàn)中共十八大確定的目標任務(wù)而努力奮斗。為此,他提出要抓好六個方面工作——高舉中國特色社會主義偉大旗幟;加強中國特色社會主義理論體系學習實踐;全面推進建設(shè)小康社會各項事業(yè);著力保障和改善民生;全面推進黨的建設(shè)新的偉大工程;深化改革開放。 法治是治國理政的基本方式。習近平指出:“全面建成小康社會對依法治國提出了更高要求?!彼谑锥几鹘缂o念現(xiàn)行憲法公布實施30周年大會和中共中央政治局第四次集體學習會上都強調(diào)這個問題。他說:“黨領(lǐng)導人民制定憲法和法律,黨領(lǐng)導人民執(zhí)行憲法和法律,黨自身必須在憲法和法律范圍內(nèi)活動,真正做到黨領(lǐng)導立法、保證執(zhí)法、帶頭守法?!彼磸蛷娬{(diào),要努力“讓人民群眾在每一個司法案件中都感受到公平正義”。 “打鐵還需自身硬。”甫任中共新的領(lǐng)航人,習近平就指出:“我們的責任,就是同全黨同志一道,堅持黨要管黨、從嚴治黨,切實解決自身存在的突出問題。” 奢糜之始,危亡之漸。習近平用“亡黨亡國”來警示腐敗問題的巨大危險。從中共十八屆中央紀委二次全會對新形勢下黨風廉政建設(shè)和反腐敗工作作出戰(zhàn)略部署,到中共中央政治局針對黨員隊伍建設(shè)進行專題研究,從提出“把權(quán)力關(guān)進制度的籠子里”,到要求黨員干部“心中要有敬畏,知道什么是高壓線”,習近平從嚴治黨之策清晰有力,打“虎”滅“蠅”之志堅強如“鐵”。一系列直指沉疴頑疾的措施密集出臺,一批涉嫌違紀腐敗的官員受到依法查辦。
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