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"Zhongzhong" and "Huahua", the world's first cloned monkeys using somatic cells, play in their chamber at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Neurosciences in Shanghai. Photo provided to China Daily |
By December, the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences had created two clone macaques named "Zhong Zhong" and "Hua Hua" by nuclear transferring of somatic cells -- any cell in the organism other than reproductive cells.
這里的“體細胞核轉移(somatic cell nuclear transfer, SCNT)”其實就是我們所說的克隆技術(clone),中國科學院神經(jīng)科學研究所孫強研究員介紹稱,克隆的過程就是,取到(猴子的)一個卵母細胞(egg cell),把細胞核去掉(remove the nucleus),再把體細胞跟去核的卵母細胞融合,重新構建一個胚胎(embryo),并且把這個胚胎激活,讓它像早期的正常受精卵一樣去發(fā)育,然后經(jīng)過卵裂(cleavage)、著床(implantation),最后變成個體。
自1996年第一只克隆羊“多利”(Dolly the Cloned Sheep)誕生以來,20多年間,各國科學家利用體細胞先后克隆了牛、鼠、貓、狗等動物,但一直沒有克服與人類最相近的非人靈長類動物克?。╪onhuman primate cloning)的難題。
"Zhongzhong" and "Huahua", the world's first cloned monkeys using somatic cells, play in their chamber at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Neurosciences in Shanghai. Photo provided to China Daily |
Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua were the result of 79 attempts. Two other monkeys were initially cloned from a different type of cell, but failed to survive.
體細胞克隆猴的成功,將推動我國率先發(fā)展出基于非人靈長類疾病動物模型的全新醫(yī)藥研發(fā)產業(yè)鏈,促進針對阿爾茨海默?。ˋlzheimer disease)、自閉癥(autism)等腦疾病,以及免疫缺陷(immune disorders)、腫瘤(tumors)、代謝性疾?。╩etabolic disorders)的新藥研發(fā)進程。
這個生物學前沿的難題的突破也意味著,以我國科學家為主導的靈長類全腦圖譜計劃的實施和靈長類腦科學的前沿研究(implementation of international science projects related to neural mapping of primate brains and leadning-edge research of primate brain science),將進一步使我國成為世界腦科學人才的匯聚高地。
中國科學院院長白春禮指出:“體細胞克隆猴的成功,以及未來基于體細胞克隆猴的疾病模型的創(chuàng)建,將有效縮短藥物研發(fā)周期(shorten drug development cycle),提高藥物研發(fā)成功率(improve success rate of drug research and development),使我國率先發(fā)展出基于非人靈長類疾病動物模型(animal model of nonhuman primate disease)的全新醫(yī)藥研發(fā)產業(yè)鏈(industry chain of new drug research and development based on ),有力推動我國新藥創(chuàng)制與研發(fā),助力“健康中國2030(Healthy China 2030)”目標實現(xiàn)?!?/p>
非生殖細胞 non-reproductive cells
動物實驗 animal tests
胚胎分割 embryo splitting
非人靈長類 nonhuman primate
靈長類全腦圖譜 neural mapping of primate brains
基因編輯 genetic reprogramming
(中國日報網(wǎng)英語點津 馬文英)
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